Thought Corner

Thought Corner  Guidelines

We all have thoughts, ideas, opinions. At Thought Corner, we are bold, we dare to say; our courage comes from paying attention to what we know, what we don’t know, and how we have been gathering and interpreting information, which comes from deep self-reflection.  We present all sides to take a stand, and we stand firmly grounded in the principles of peace and conflict studies.  

This forum is a collection of ideas, questions, comments, and viewpoints inspired by our authors’ everyday lives. Contributions are welcomed from DCRS students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty, staff, and alumni throughout the year. All blogs will be featured in the DCRS bi-annual newsletter. 


Here are some general guidelines: 

  • Articles should be opinion pieces on any current issue, issues you are passionate about, or social problems and challenges you are committed to resolving/ transforming. 

  • Each piece must reflect the core values of sociology and/or peace and conflict studies. 

  • Opinion statements should be stated clearly and backed up with compelling arguments supported by facts and/or personal experiences. 

  • We reserve the right not to publish articles that are divisive in tone or content, vilify others, or dismiss opposing views without engagement. 

  • We accept original submissions in languages other than English alongside an English translation. We will work with you to identify someone who can provide a translation if you do not have one already available. 

  • Ensure your writing is clear and accessible to a broad audience, including those outside academia. 

  • We caution against misinformation by asking you to verify and cite information sources. Provide links within the article for citations; no bibliography is needed.  

  • We welcome submissions within the range of 750-1000 words.  You may consult with us before writing a longer piece. 

  • Include a title for the piece and add photos and links to related stories. Photographs taken by the author are preferred. 

  • Include a short bio for the author of 100 words or less. Share your connection to DCRS in your bio. 

Submit your articles to with “Submission for the blog in your subject line. The editorial team (Drs. Pushpa Iyer, Ismael Muvingi, and John Cuda) and Ms. Michelle Glasser will review and suggest edits to ensure our guidelines are followed.  

 We look forward to your submissions as we build a community of reflective scholars and practitioners.